Here are 4 great tricks you can perform! They all require a beer bottle, so performed together they work to make a great bar routine to keep a table entertained for hours. Check out this video and get ready for free drinks and accolades.
This nifty little bar trick is sure to win you a free drink. What you'll need is two shot glasses, two quarters and some liquid to put in one of the shot glasses. Now, bet someone that you can transfer the liquid from the full shooter glass to the empty shooter glass without touching either of the two glasses.
Here's a cool and easy bar trick to win yourself a free drink. You'll need a glass, a cigarette, a business card and a coin. Stack a business card, a cigarette and a coin on a glass. Now remove only the business card and the cigarette so that the coin falls into the glass. This is a very cool bar trick. You can perform the bar trick with simple objects that you can find in any bar. The Bar Trick seems impossible and that is why it is so cool.
In this bar trick, you'll ask someone to remove a dollar bill from underneath an upside down beer bottle without knocking the bottle over. Follow this little video and see how it's done. Next thing you know, you'll be drinking free beer!
Mmm, free beer. Win some with this coin stack trick! Can you move the coins so that the silver coin ends up second from the top? Yes you can if you watch this video and see how it's done. Cool!
You're at the bar with an empty bottle and really wish you had a full one. Well, this super easy bar trick by Mr. G will show you how to turn your frown upside down. You'll need a nut, that empty bottle of yours and someone willing to bet you they can blow a nut into the bottle. Sound easy? It's not!
Ta da! Magic, with straws! What could be better for a bar trick? Scam School shows how to amaze, impress and win free drinks with 2 straws (or any 2 flexible objects). David Copperfield, eat your heart out! Err.. drink your heart out?
Make some new bar friends (or enemies) and win yourself some free drinks with Scam School's two new tricks! All you'll need is a box of matches, a flat surface and a couple of willing bar folk to pull off this trick. Mmm, nothing tastes better than free beer!
Party magic might be the most fun kind of magic of all, especially when alcohol is involved. This video will teach you a cheap party magic trick called Russian Roulette with vodka, where you pretend to guess the vodka shot from among a bunch of water shots.
Are you the kind of person who's always looking for a new way to scam people into buying them beer with one-sided bets? Then this is right in your wheelhouse. Watch this video to learn why it is impossible to blow a folded bottle cap into a bottle from it's rim and how you can use this to trick bar patrons and partygoers.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to separate two beer glasses without touching them. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own bar trick routine, watch this free video lesson.
Imagine knowing something that would normally be impossible to know. For example you might want to reveal someone’s surname, even though you never met them before. Whatever it is, this Prediction effect will allow you to do so. In this case we will reveal the PIN number of a person’s bank account.
One of the most famous miracles of Jesus is turning water into wine. This process is not easy for the mortal to perform, but it is possible using modern chemistry. Watch this video to learn how to perform a water into wine magic trick with powerful acids which you MUST be careful handling.
Tying a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue is a very seductive and impressive move to pull off. If you've been in the dark as to how it's done, watch this video and practice up to learn how to tie a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue.
The number 9. When applied to magic, it's more than just a simple number. The number has a special property that allows others to be deceived, if they don't know any better. And this magic trick will make your victims think you're using mind control on them using your psychic skills. But little do they know that all roads lead to nine.. and Denmark.
A broken bottle is a very dangerous weapon, and creating one quickly and easily in a combat situation can be the difference between life and death. It's also just kind of fun to break bottles. Whatever your motivation, this video will show you how to break a glass bottle quickly and easily using only your bare hands. It takes some practice, you might want to use gloves or a hammer at first, but once you get the hang of it it makes a great trick.
In this video, we learn how to perform a mind reading trick with Brian Brushwood. First, grab some random change out of your pocket and tell the other person to turn over any coin the choose. Then ask them to turn over two more. Now tell the person to pick a coin and slide it towards them and pay attention if it's heads or tails, then cover it up. Now tell the person to say "heads/tails" and tell them which one it is, depending on if the person leads forward. You can easily accomplish this by...
In this video, Justin Kredible will focus on magic tricks that can be performed on the run. These tricks don't require you to carry many props or do any pre-trick prep so you will always be ready. Follow along and twist your friend's minds into a pretzel while they try and figure them out.
Check out this tutorial and learn how to perform the classic German salt game trick. In this clip, you will learn how to make salt travel from one place to another and jump around in front of a bewildered audience. In the tutorial, Losander the magician teaches you all of his tricks. Enjoy!
In this clip, learn how to perform the "Amazing Red Bull" trick. You will show your audience a full can of Red Bull and pour a bit out to prove it. You will then flip the can completely upside down without ANY liquid spilling out! You can also shoot something like a pencil or pen inside the upside down can to prove that there is an opening. This trick relies on a bit of slight of hand and some help from gravity. Check it out and totally amaze your friends with this cool illusion.
Check out this cool trick. In this video, Mr. G teaches you how to win a bar bet with this funky science-based trick. Place a piece of paper in between a glass wine bottle and a coin and bet someone that you can remove the paper without disturbing the coin or bottle at all. The secret is tricky and involves basically burning the paper away until you can snap it right off. So, follow along and win yourself a ton of free drinks next time you're out!
In this tutorial, learn how to perform a coin magic trick called the "coin matrix". This trick is very cool and easy to perform anywhere you can find some coins, making it perfect for bars, restaurants, parties and anywhere else that needs a little magic.
This is a very cool trick. In this video, you will learn how to make a platform and set up for a cool bar game/trick. Once you have built the platform, you are ready to challenge your friends to this crazy mind game.
In this trick, bet someone that they can't transfer two corks between their hands and separate them without getting stuck. Unless you know the trick, you won't be able to do this. Check out this tutorial and let Scuba show you exactly how to do this funky illusion and win many bets.
This trick works great in pretty much any bar or restaurant. All you need is a cloth napkin to achieve this funky trick. Bet someone that they will not be able to tie a napkin in a knot without crossing their arms or lifting their fingers. Those suckers will tie themselves in a pretzel before they are able to accomplish this and you can laugh and laugh because you know the secret!
This trick is great for anyone who is easy to fool - from little kids to drunk bar patrons. In this two part video, you will learn how to perform a super simple trick - no props needed - that will make everyone laugh. Ask a friend to touch a spot anywhere on their body with one hand that they are unable to touch with the other hand. Watch them stuggle and then check out part two of this clip to see the solution!
In this video, learn a cool bar trick that will win you tons and tons of beers. In this two part tutorial, you will learn exactly how to bet someone that they can't fit a human body through a hole in a single dollar bill. They will be completely confused and have no idea what to do.
In this video, bet your friends that they can not lift an entire glass using only a plastic straw. They will most likely struggle, push the glass around a bit and try to balance it all, to no avail. Then, you come along and save the day with this trick!
In this tutorial, learn how to do an amazing trick using a penny, a hanger and gravity. This trick sounds crazy but, as you will soon learn, is actually extremely simple. If you have a steady hand and a sturdy hanger, you are good to go!
This video will show you how to perform a great bar trick/puzzle/proposition bet called the "Three Knife Scaffold". This trick is super easy, it just takes a bit of know-how. In this tutorial, learn how to place your knives in order to fool your friends and win any bets they might make.
In this tutorial, learn how to trick people in a bar or at a party. This trick requires only a small piece of cloth like a napkin or bandana. You ask an opponent to try and tie the cloth in a knot without crossing their arms or letting go of the ends of the fabric. This may sound impossible but with a simple slight of hand you'll be able to tie it and win your bet!
In this clip, learn a classic bar trick. This instructional video will show you how to use deflection and slight of hand to make a cigarette or pen appear to magically walk across a table. You will amaze your friends and impress plenty of people in the bar or restaurant with this gag.
In this trick - which is perfect for any restaurant or bar - you will learn how to light a candle without actually ever touching a flame to the wick. Don't think it's possible? Think again! You will learn exactly how to do this illusion and amaze everyone around you. Score some free drinks or a couple bucks with this supernatural feeling goof.
In this tutorial, learn how to trick everyone you know. This video will show you exactly how to get a ring to catch on a simple chain with a simple hand movement - no trick chains. People will be completely amazed and not able to challenge you. Have fun!
This trick is fascinating! Check out this tutorial for advice on how to balance heavy objects like two forks on a single toothpick. This video will show you how to take two forks, two toothpicks, a wine bottle and a cork and make it all balance. You can thank gravity and this clip for all the free beers you are about to get!
If you are looking for a cool new way to hustle free drinks at the bar or cash from your friends, check out this tutorial. In this video, you will learn an incredibly interesting trick using just whiskey, water, two shot glasses and a card or driver's license. Bet a friend that you can make make water and whiskey switch shot glasses without pouring or dumping either glass.
In this tutorial, learn how to make someone's beverage completely disappear with a special trick. It will appear as though you are simply leaning over your friend's glass but when you lift your arm their drink will have disappeared! If you would like to know how to do this trick and successfully annoy your friends, follow along with this tutorial. The Trickbusters will debunk the illusion and explain the secrets behind it.
Looking for a cool trick to impress your friends? Check out this tutorial from Stephen Ablett. In it, he will show you how to stick a pen through a dollar bill and take it out again, leaving the bill totally intact!
There is no better way to amaze people than with a vanishing act. When something tangible is there and then disappears, it is bound to blow anyone's mind.
Making your fingers smoke when you rub them together is a great trick to make you look like a hybrid of Gordon Gecko and the devil. Are those really two different things? This video demonstrates how to make the effect happen using only a match strike, a lighter, some scissors, and, of course, your hand. A very cool magic trick.
Most people can probably make one star with a rubber band.. at the most they can twist two. But in this video, you will learn how to make THREE stars all at once using a single elastic band.
If you have ever played the popular drinking game Thin Ice, then this magic tricks setup should look familiar to you. The magician appears to push a coin positioned on top of a piece of latex through the latex into a glass without puncturing it. This video teaches you how to perform this simple, easy trick with only a few basic materials.
In this tutorial, learn how to perform a quick and easy magic trick. In this trick, you will make it look like a tea towel is haunted and being pushed around by ghosts.
Looking for a sure fire way to win a bar bet? Check out this tutorial. This super easy magic trick will amaze even the most skeptical of audiences and guarantee you free drinks all night!
In this tutorial, presented by Scam School, learn how to master a complicated trick that you can perform in any bar. With this trick, you can challenge everyone in the bar and no one will be able to do it. You will stump and amaze everyone for sure! So, follow along and practice!
Amaze and amuse your friends with this fun magic trick! Using only vinegar and baking soda, which you may remember from some of the bottle-bomb-making videos elsewhere on the site, you can create carbon dioxide which, since it's heavier than air, can be used to invisibly fill a glass and then be poured onto a candle, extinguishing it without looking like it's done anything at all! No word on how long the gas will stay in the glass, so set this one up right before you want to do it and then hide...