Eating fire is a guaranteed method of not only impressing an entire room, but also instantly settling any questions as to whether or not you're a complete and total stone cold BAD ASS. When you can casually whip this trick out in a bar, you're not only going to get your drinks bought for you for the rest of the night, but at least three phone numbers scrawled on the backs of napkins.
In this How To, you'll learn how to snatch a live flame out of the air, pop it in your mouth, and exhale a satisfied plume of smoke. Certificate of Badassery: Achieved.
What You Need
100% Cotton Balls
Lighter or fire source
Patience, steady hands, and a balls-out fearlessness about open flame
Gear Up
Go out to your local pharmacy and pick up a bag of 100% CottonBalls. That 100% Cotton label on the bag is the only thing between a sexy, relatively safe fire trick, and hours of burning agony in the Emergency Room after you've chemically melted a cotton ball to the inside of your mouth. Be completely sure you're working with REAL COTTON.
Prep Your Tools
Tear one of the 100% Cotton Balls into smaller pieces. The larger the piece of cotton, the more flame you have to stuff into your mouth. Start with a small piece of cotton, and work your way up a larger one.
Get a Flame Source
Light a candle to use as your flame source. Having a steady source of fire to work with makes this trick a lot easier - and most classy bars and restaurants already have candles on the tables, so it's good to practice with one.
Palm the Cotton
Take your piece of cotton and palm it. Palming is a way of holding an object so that your audience doesn't know it's there. You can learn more about palming in this video.
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