Bar Tricks How-Tos

How To: Make a bottle of beer appear to instantly freeze

This video shows you how to make bottle of beer appear to instantly freeze. It's hard to believe, but the process is very simple. Take a beer bottle and keep it in refrigerator, do not freeze it. Allow it to cool for some hours. After that take it out and check that it is still in liquid state, then tap it strongly on the bottom side and wait for few minutes. You can see that it has been completely frozen. This is due to the process of carbon dioxide present in the beer bottle.

How To: Perform a rigged impromptu matchbox game

This trick can be done anytime, anywhere, with one of the easiest props ever: a matchbox. The props couldn't be simpler: just find an empty matchbox that has the same design on both sides. Set it on the table with the inside tray facing up (we'll call that "right side up") and start making a simple game of balancing the box with one side on the edge of the table and the other on your fingertip.

How To: Escape from a zip tie and open locked doors

If for some strange reason you find your hands bound together by a zip tie, check out this video to learn how to escape from one! Using a little bit of slight of hand, you'll learn how to break free from a tight zip tie, and as an added bonus, how to open up a locked door using a zip tie. Remember: Don't cut off your circulation by tightening it too much.

How To: Perform a coin vanish coin trick

Watch a magic coin trick revealed... learn how to perform this cool coin trick that will amaze your friends after a little bit of practice. This magic video tutorial will show you how to perform a coin vanish coin trick. Watch as the coin vanishes... disappears... poof... gone. See how to do it.

How To: Con a bartender out of $20 with a magic trick

Learn how to pull an awesome con in the bar with magician Brian Brushwood. Brian Bushwood is an American magician known for his bizarre magic and bar tricks. Watch this instructional video from Scam School to learn this con/magic trick. This magic trick is a sweet con. All you need is a bartender, a $20 bill, a pint glass, a lighter, a napkin, and a friend. You'll impress your friends with the sheer magic of it, and be $20 ahead.

How To: Pull the Cherry bar trick with sexy Francesca

Who better to demonstrate bar tricks than a cute girl bartender? Sexy Francesca shows you how to impress a girl with trick involving your tongue and a cherry. Brush up on your bar tricks so you can impress the ladies (or con your fellow barflies out of a dollar or two). Break presents bar tricks by Francesca. Learn how to get a cherry into a glass, without using your hands or your tongue.