Bar Tricks How-Tos

How To: Perform a bar trick using a bandana or cloth napkin

In this tutorial, learn how to trick people in a bar or at a party. This trick requires only a small piece of cloth like a napkin or bandana. You ask an opponent to try and tie the cloth in a knot without crossing their arms or letting go of the ends of the fabric. This may sound impossible but with a simple slight of hand you'll be able to tie it and win your bet!

How To: Perform a self lighting candle trick

In this trick - which is perfect for any restaurant or bar - you will learn how to light a candle without actually ever touching a flame to the wick. Don't think it's possible? Think again! You will learn exactly how to do this illusion and amaze everyone around you. Score some free drinks or a couple bucks with this supernatural feeling goof.

How To: Do the whiskey versus water bar trick to win bets

If you are looking for a cool new way to hustle free drinks at the bar or cash from your friends, check out this tutorial. In this video, you will learn an incredibly interesting trick using just whiskey, water, two shot glasses and a card or driver's license. Bet a friend that you can make make water and whiskey switch shot glasses without pouring or dumping either glass.

How To: Make a beverage vanish into thin air with Trickbusters

In this tutorial, learn how to make someone's beverage completely disappear with a special trick. It will appear as though you are simply leaning over your friend's glass but when you lift your arm their drink will have disappeared! If you would like to know how to do this trick and successfully annoy your friends, follow along with this tutorial. The Trickbusters will debunk the illusion and explain the secrets behind it.

How To: Perform a smoking fingers party trick

Making your fingers smoke when you rub them together is a great trick to make you look like a hybrid of Gordon Gecko and the devil. Are those really two different things? This video demonstrates how to make the effect happen using only a match strike, a lighter, some scissors, and, of course, your hand. A very cool magic trick.

How To: Push a Coin Through the Bottom of a Glass

This magic trick requires no equipment or setup and is sure to wow the crowd in any bar. The magician appears to thrust a coin upwards through the bottom of a pint glass, when really they use a French transfer to switch the coin to their other hand and drop it into the top of the glass with the hand that is holding the glass.

How To: Perform a coin penetration magic trick

If you have ever played the popular drinking game Thin Ice, then this magic tricks setup should look familiar to you. The magician appears to push a coin positioned on top of a piece of latex through the latex into a glass without puncturing it. This video teaches you how to perform this simple, easy trick with only a few basic materials.

How To: Put out a candle with an empty glass

Amaze and amuse your friends with this fun magic trick! Using only vinegar and baking soda, which you may remember from some of the bottle-bomb-making videos elsewhere on the site, you can create carbon dioxide which, since it's heavier than air, can be used to invisibly fill a glass and then be poured onto a candle, extinguishing it without looking like it's done anything at all! No word on how long the gas will stay in the glass, so set this one up right before you want to do it and then hi...