Take two rubber bands and make them dissolve through each other. This takes practice and strong fingers. It is a cool trick to do at a bar, or with friends.
Did you know it's possible to light a match simply by using your teeth? You can look like a total badass if you learn how to do this trick properly, although you might get burned in the process. From Revision3:
What if I told you that you could read minds? You'd most likely think I was crazy, and you'd be right. But what I really meant is that you could make people think that you could read minds, something that's not the least bit crazy.
In this clip, learn the simple trick behind opening a full beer bottle with a spinning bike wheel. This is a pretty cool bar trick, that can be done at picnics, cook outs and anywhere else you might have a bike handy. Try it but be careful - the cap will shoot off pretty fast and it goes far!
Watch this video to learn how to open a beer bottle with a newspaper. This easy to learn bar trick can win you tons of free beers, just bet your friends that you can open a beer bottle with a piece of paper.
Is it impossible to fold a piece of paper more than seven times? Yes, or is it? In this video from Fun Party Tricks, you'll see how to fold a piece of paper seven times and seven times only, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's all you can do. A high school student actually debunked this belief and successfully folded a sheet of paper 12 times.
Check out this tutorial for steps on how to perform a very cool slight of hand trick. In this video, learn how to take a solid sugar packet, toss it in the air and catch it - like a ring - around your pointer finger. Your audience will be totally amazed, but you will know the secret.
Looking for a way to impress your friends? Check out this tutorial! All you need are some matches and a bit of practice and you will be able to perform this cool illusion. This trick is also the same as the linking cigarette trick which is so popular on the net right now.
The key to many coin based magic tricks is proper "palming". In this tutorial, learn the basics of how to palm a coin and open the door for many tricks to follow.
With this trick, learn how to use one match to make another match jump feet into the air. This trick is so sneaky that you will appear to be controlling it with your mind.
Looking for a cool trick you can perform in a bar? Check this out! In this tutorial, learn how to balance a wine glass on top of a seemingly ordinary playing card.
Do you remember all those coin tricks your parents played on you as a kid? Ever wonder how they discovered all that money behind your ears? Well, in this tutorial, you will learn how to make an ordinary coin appear out of thin air.
In this tutorial, learn how to perform a fantastic magic trick where two money bills seemingly make an amazing transformation, right under the nose of your audience!
Ever wonder how to levitate something like a real magician? Well, look no further! In this tutorial, learn how to levitate a playing card from a deck of cards and impress everyone you know. This trick is easy to learn and since cards are so compact, you can perform it anywhere! So grab a deck and practice!
When you do a magic trick, people will automatically try and guess your secret. This makes it difficult to do complicated tricks that must be performed from a distance to look real.
Need a smoke, but no one has any matches and your lighter is fresh out of fuel? This how-to video has got a cool trick you can perform to light your cigarette if you ever run out of lighter fluid. Despite the lighter being out of gas, you can still make a fire to light your cig. All you need is the lighter and a sheet of toilet paper.
It doesn't take much skill to drink beer fast, but to chug an entire beer in one gulp is an art. Learn how to execute this bar trick by picking up a few simple techniques. Start watching and start chugging.
This magic trick requires no equipment or setup and is sure to wow the crowd in any bar. The magician appears to thrust a coin upwards through the bottom of a pint glass, when really they use a French transfer to switch the coin to their other hand and drop it into the top of the glass with the hand that is holding the glass.
See how to open a bottle of champagne with a kitchen knife, a wine bottle with a ribbon, and a bottle of beer with a paper note! Watch the video below for the full instructions, or hit up the brief guide below.
When you finally turn the privileged age of 21 in the U.S. (or 18 in most other countries), the first thing you'll probably do is sprint to the nearest pub, order a drink, and revel in your new freedom. Congratulations, you've survived two decades on Earth, you've earned that drink.
Captain Campbell james demonstrates how to open a bottle of champagne with merely a spoon. Requirements: A bottle of chilled champagne, champagne glasses, an ice bucket, a napkin, a pretty young lady to impress and poise.
Back in the day, musicians used candles as metronomes to keep time. Now, you can too, cause in the music industry, it's better to burn out than to fade away.
This how-to video shows to remove beer from a bottle in just one second, win free beers every time with this bar trick. Granted, you probably should just drink the beer instead of spraying it all over the place. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to pour out a beer bottle at super speed.
Watch as this guy uses his chainsaw to open a beer bottle. This is a classic bartender's trick on how to crack open a beer with a heavy duty power tool- the chain saw! Get the crowd going with the brute force of a chainsaw bottle opener!
Easy way to make some money on betting in the bar. Open a twist off or non-twist beer easily with a gold ring. Put that wedding ring to use and get your cold one cracked at the bar.
Kipkay shows you how to make 5 bucks, quick and easy, every time! Fill up a shot glass halfway, then bet your friends that you can lift it up with the palm of your hand, using just the palm of your hand, no fingers and no cupping the glass.
This is a great bar trick - cut a small notch into two pennies and then stick them together. Make sure they are lined up ninety degrees to each other. And then, roll them across the table, bar or floor!
This trick will take a bit of practice to get down, and will work best with balanced pins (so make sure yours aren't bent or chipped). With the proper flick of the wrist, you can turn a plain thumbtack into a spinning top.
OK, here's another bar trick that will have you sipping free suds in no time. You'll need a box of wooden matches, a piece of paper, a pen and a ruler. This simple game of skill looks completely fair, but always leaves the sucker short.
No, it's not a house of cards, it's a house of nails! In this video you'll see how to pull off a sweet bar trick where you ask your contestant to balance 9 nails on the head of a tenth nail!
Here's a card trick that looks like you screwed up, but in reality, it's all part of the gag. It's got a great twist at the end that will put those smug viewers in their place. Do it at a bar and win a free drink.
Bar tricks, gotta love em. This is an easy trick that's hard for someone to win unless they know the secret. Place a small coin on a business card and the business card on a bottle. Now remove the business so that the coin falls into the bottle. business card trick. Unless you know this business card trick it is very hard to figure out. Make a bet and you can win with this business card trick.