Bar Tricks How-Tos

How To: Make a Coin Jump from Hand to Hand with Magic

In this tutorial, learn a funky magic trick that you can perform anywhere. In this video, you will see exactly how to flip a coin just right so that it appears to have jumped from one closed hand to another. This process is really simple, but will require some practice. So, feel free to rewind the video if you need more help. Have fun!

How To: Levitate a Playing Card

Ever wonder how to levitate something like a real magician? Well, look no further! In this tutorial, learn how to levitate a playing card from a deck of cards and impress everyone you know. This trick is easy to learn and since cards are so compact, you can perform it anywhere! So grab a deck and practice!

How To: Make a handkerchief mouse

First of all you need a handkerchief or a cloth napkin. Make sure that it is clean for use. Now start by folding the two opposite corners together. This shall make a triangle. Now you have top fold the two middle bits so that they overlap at the center. Now start rolling them together upwards. It is very important that you are rolling them very tightly. This shall make the body of the mouse solid otherwise it may fall apart. When you have made a solid roll then fold the two ends upwards as sh...

How To: Tear a thick phonebook in half

In this two part tutorial, learn a very cool magic trick that will have people stunned! In this video, magician Jason Younger will teach you how to rip a full sized phonebook in half! The secret behind this trick is actually a lot simpler than you would imagine, and no one will be able to guess how you are doing it.

How To: Pick pockets like a pro

Learn how to pick pockets just the way pro thieves do it! This video will take you through the way pros go through their process, from finding a mark to making the switch. It even tells you how to avoid being the mark. This video will show how to pick pockets like a pro.

How To: Perform a cool smoke trick with your finger

The commentator tells viewers they will learn how to make smoke from their fingertips. First you must tear the strip off of a matchbox. Then place the strip in an ashtray, facing upside down. Light the strip on fire and let it burn for a little while. Push the burned strip to one side of the ashtray and there will be a brown-yellow residue left in the bottom of the ashtray. Wipe the residue off with one of your fingers and then proceed to rub your fingers together. Smoke will then come from y...

How To: Do the "trapped coin" matchbox bar trick

In this impressive bar trick, bet someone that you can remove the coin from the matchsticks atop the matchbox without touching or moving the matchsticks. It seems impossible, but obviously it's not. Win beer and money. Maybe just impress your friends. Whatever. The answer for this "trapped coin" matchbox bar trick is a simple as a little flame from a lighter.

How To: Solve the matchstick math problem

Just by moving one match you can turn the math problem into a correct answer. Definitely use this to get some free drinks. And you already know the answer, so it won't be hard. If you want to try and figure this one out for yourself, pause the video before the reveal.

How To: Do the "icebreaker" matchbox bar trick

A bar trick is just the thing to win a few bucks… or a few beers. With this "icebreaker" matchbox trick, you can do just that, until you're too drunk to do it anymore, and start losing beer and money. Anyways, the challenge is to put the bottom matchbox on the top while keeping your middle finger on the table at all times.

How To: Fold a Piece of Paper Seven Times & Seven Times Only

Is it impossible to fold a piece of paper more than seven times? Yes, or is it? In this video from Fun Party Tricks, you'll see how to fold a piece of paper seven times and seven times only, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's all you can do. A high school student actually debunked this belief and successfully folded a sheet of paper 12 times.

How To: Do the "fast on the draw" banknote bar trick

In this challenge, you need to grab the dollar bill without making the top beer bottle fall down. By just grabbing and yanking on the banknote, the bottle will fall. You need to grab the top beer bottle and slapping the bill away. Another way is to use pure speed. Try this "fast on the draw" beer bottle / banknote bar trick out and win money… or more beers.